Gym Bag Essentials For Fitness and Grooming


If you’re a regular gym goer, then you know that your gym bag is everything. Without it, you can’t get in your workouts, clean yourself up, and conquer the day afterward.

Your gym bag needs to have two groups of essential items.  The first are fitness items that help you with your training program.

Here’s a list of fitness items that I carry in my gym bag.

  1. Lifting straps – Perfect for exercises such as rack pulls, heavy rows, and pulldowns.

  2. Blender bottle with protein powder – After you workout, it’s important to get some protein in. Slam down a shake, 1-2 scoops of whey along with water in that bottle is perfect.

  3. Tennis ball – If your gym doesn’t have a roller or any other tools, tennis ball is good to get into certain problematic areas.

  4. Resistance Bands – Used for traction, stretching, and pullaparts. If your gym doesn’t have any, then you need to bring your own.

The second group of essential items are ones that you use after you’re done, aka grooming items. For many of us, we’re constantly on the go and don’t have the opportunity to get home.

So these are the items which help you be fresh and clean after your workouts are done and you’ve showered. These essentials are also good when you’re traveling as well.

If you shower a lot at the gym, you gotta grab a big dopp kit. I use this one from Pete & Pedro which I like because it’s big, has a hook, and while nice, isn't crazy expensive nice where I'm going to get pissed if it gets ruined while at the gym.

Here's my other favorite grooming products that I bring or would recommend bringing to the gym:

  1. Travel size shampoo and conditioner – I'm not bringing my full bottles with me! I use these regularly and they are really nice.

  2. Electric Toothbrush

  3. Cologne Refiller Travel Spray – This is an amazing tool. Even if you wash after, you still might need time to smell better. This little tool allows you to bring your favorite cologne with you anywhere.

  4. Deodorant Spray

  5. Hair Product - if you style your hair, make sure you bring your favorite product with you. I can't live without Putty.

  6. Mouthwash

  7. Dental Floss

  8. Face Wipes – If you can’t shower for whatever reason, this is perfect. Wipe your face down, and all of the areas in your body where you’ve been sweating.

 Secure The Bag

Your gym bag should be prepared and stocked with these essentials so you can hit your workout hard and get the results that you want.

Your Dopp kit should contain those items listed above so that after you’re cleaned up, you are smelling good, looking good, and ready to conquer your day.